
Showing posts from August, 2013


ETERNAL LIFE. John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Eternal Life.”                 When you got born again (forsaking your sins and confessing that Jesus died and rose again for our sins- Romans10:9) , you received a measure of Eternal Life, which was what transformed you to becoming a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17 )… But becoming a new Creature in Christ isn’t just about God wiping away your past life of sin and iniquities, becoming a potential citizen of heaven, or having the title “born-again”. No, it’s also about having your mind renewed to the mind of Christ, handing you free-will to God and allowing Him to perfect His Will for your life, changing your life goals, making God your top priority, becoming perfect and Glorious like Christ is…That’s what it’s about.     ...


Here I am once again, Going through agony and pain. Shedding tears of sorrow, Wondering if I'll have strength to face tomorrow. Tossed here and there by the wins of despair. Fighting my battles alone in fear. Easily being struck by the devil's darts. Leaving me to die with a wounded heart. With my last bit of strength, I cry "Lord forgive me!!" Though almost doubting if he will, for many times I stabbed Him in the back. Yet hoping He'll accept me back. Then out of nowhere I see a light, a light so bright darkness tries to hide. And then I hear a still small voice. Small, but able to calm all storms. Gently saying to me; "My child your sins are forgiven" With joy filled up in His heart, He gladly holds me in His arms. My sins, my pains, my guilt and shame He's taking them all tossing them away. My chains He's breaking, my hope He's restoring My heart He's healing, my life He's renewing. My past He's trading ...

THE CURSED FIG TREE. (Mark 11:13-20).

   Many of us know/ should know about the fig tree that was cursed in the Bible (NT). according to the bible, the fig tree was cursed 'cos it had leaves, but no fruits on it. Now some would say what Jesus did wasn't fair, 'cos He knew quite well that it wasn't the season for the fig to bear fruits.   Looking at it from this perspective, I'd agree with them on that. But now, ask yourself why'd you think Jesus cursed the tree, could it have been that his hunger/ anger drove Him to it; I think not. Here's what I think:    The tree symbolizes us, and just like Jesus was expecting to see some fruits on the tree, He’s expecting us to bear fruits in our lives, not just fruits of the Spirit, but also the fruits of our labor in and with Him. And unlike normal tree that bear fruits only in the season that favors them, Christ expects us to bear fruits in all seasons, be it favorable or not, in 100 folds... God's looking for those who'll diligently seek Him...