The Blooda Reminder

Every New Beginning begins with the end of a thing used to be done or the  inception of something never done.
This is a reminder of the reason you made the most important decision in your life, it’s also to make you know if you don’t believe, but am sure you might have heard.
#Jesus Christ

A certain fellow called his brother “blooda” just to emphasize that he is a brother to him of the same parent and that there is a relationship that exist and extends beyond blood to life as he lives in a place where a lot of people among kin are referred to as brothers.
BLOODA though sounds like brother, meanings can be attached to it complementarily but I wish you take Blooda in this text to be mutually exclusive.

Psalm involved
Blooda shows the blood of Jesus and the brother relationship with Him for those who believe.
The blood that was shed for us,
The blood that satisfies God,
The blood that gives boldness.

For by His blood we have access to the throne of Grace where mercy is obtained and grace found.
The blood that is looked upon by God and the Blood that cost righteousness.
The blood that washes away any sin irrespective of its dreadful nature,
And made the finished works of Christ accessible by faith.

By the cross we are Victors with a New Beginning,
Joint heir with Christ so we can call Him brother as he is also the first born among many brethren,
We are overcomers not by chance but by faith
Through Him everything was made, in Him we have everything.
Jesus Christ is our blooda

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ”- Ephesians 2:13
A new beginning it is indeed, not by our works but by the free gift of Grace. For we believed, we confessed and we boast in it.
The blood is the boldness we have, it’s the guarantee of a new beginning.

So don’t be afraid, don’t be downhearted of what it may seem you have done or refused to do.
Just so you should know, “how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God-Hebrews 9:14).
There is always a new beginning because of the blood.
The reason for this good fight of faith. Keep at it for a reward awaits.

P.S- Stay conscious and thankful of who you are by the blood of Jesus and what He has provided for you by His blood


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