Isa 60:1-2
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Since the fall of man in the garden, the power of darkness took charge and thus the condition of creation up till now. But the One whose birth had been prophesied and echoed since when man fell in the garden reclaimed what we once lost and restored man to a place of unity,  fellowship and intimacy with Trinity through his death, burial and resurrection. For Our Lord Jesus Christ redeemed Us by washing through the blood of the Lamb,  cleansing us from that nature of sin in our Spirits, redeeming us from the curse of the law,  nailing that which was against us to his cross and restoring us to a place of dominion,  power and authority. This was the new covenant God Himself established with us, one in which we are no longer slaves,  but children, even sons to our Father, servants of our Lord.  For we are called to walk as light in a world covered with  darkness, we are called to preserve the earth as salts and to live a Holy Life having been made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 60:1 commands us to "Arise! Shine! For our light has come and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon us."
But we can't really Arise and Shine to our fullness until our hearts are pure.
Our hearts comprise of the Spirit and the Soul (mind, will and emotions), and even though the Spirit of the New Man has been made new as if he never fell (on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice), the soul is not in a good state. Hence the reason why we still fall atimes though saved. But we need to step up to the higher calling by purifying our hearts because God didn't save us just so we can eventually "make it to heaven". No, he had something GREATER in mind, He intends that we reign as Christ did in this life, that the kingdoms of this earth be restored to Our Lord Jesus Christ and the realities of Heaven be experienced here on earth through us. (Romans 5:17)
Also,  you need to understand that Christ is returning for His Bride i.e the Church without blemish, wrinkle, or any such thing,  yea spotless. And until the Church reaches this state,  Christ won't return. (Ephesians 5:27)
So you see, there's a whole lot dependent on us, it's not so much about we waiting on God to do something for He is waiting on us. The Church has to purify herself by The Spirit, and rise to her place in the scheme of things.

How do we get there?
1.) Well, we'll get there the same way we started, by His Blood (Hebrews 13:20-21).
The believer needs to be ever conscious of the Blood of the Lamb that's able to cleanse Us of our sins, that same blood was an atonement for Us, and gives us access to stand boldly before God's presence. It's the blood that guarantees our Victory and keeps us in the Righteous state we are in.

2.) In Colossians 2:6, Apostle Paul instructs us to walk as we received Christ.
  We received Christ by believing in our hearts and Confessing with our mouths the Word which was revealed unto us by His Spirit. (Romans 10:9-10)
Also in Acts 20:32, John 17:17 and Ephesians 5:26, it's revealed that we are sanctified and cleansed by the Word.
I'm sure you take your bath everyday to smell and look clean. We should pay even more attention to our inner man because that's who we really are for even this corrupted bodies we have will pass away,  but our inner man will remain. Thus the need to pay attention to His Word daily that the condition of your heart be revealed unto you and consequently transformed, and that you may built up and Empowered for the life God pre-destined you to  live by His Grace. Hebrews 4:11-13, Romans 12:1-2, Acts 20:32

3.) Prayer... This mustn't be overlooked, for its a communication between the Father and man,  not just to request for material things,  but that the heart of the Father may be revealed unto you and consequently leading to a transformation to His Image. 2 Corinthians 3:18
The bulk of our prayer ought to be for Revelation; that the Holy Spirit may reveal Jesus Christ unto us  and who we are in Him, what has been  done for us in Christ Jesus, and what He would have us do through Christ Jesus. 
This is best done when we pray in tongues, for the Holy Spirit gives us utterance that we may speak the exact will of God. Acts 2:4,  1 Corinthians 14:2, Romans 8:26.
Also, prayer in tongues helps build our souls to the stature of our Spirit man. Jude 1:20,21

4.) Follow after Him. Our hearts must keep panting for God to know Him more. You should never get satisfied with the level of revelation you have of Him or how much you've experienced His sweet Presence  and His Surpassing Power. We shouldn't allow our hearts grow cold for the devil to have a little chance. Give him an inch,  and he'll try to be the ruler. 

So keep panting,  keep pursuing, keep following and walking as He walked on earth... Like Moses, endure as seeing Him who is invisible,  and you will see Him.

Don't lose HOPE!

1 John 3:2-3 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when HE shall appear, we shall be like HIM; for we shall see HIM as HE is.
 3  And every man that hath this HOPE in HIM purifieth himself, even as HE is PURE."

Lastly ask God this day, to unite your heart to fear His Name,  and that there's a fresh release of His Grace and Mercy upon you that your heart may follow closely after Him.
Keep your heart pure , that's all you'll take out of this world.

Grace be with you

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