A group discussion on SEXUAL PURITY would be a very quiet one when compare to other discussions most for the time.  It could be a depressing moment for some people, especially for the ones who were violated: I hope you release the pain and embrace the one who comes with Healing Arms to Comfort.

Firstly, maybe we all need to know that the presence of your hymen (for girls)  does not necessarily mean you are sexually pure.  Surprised? Yup, I meant it (read it again). This is where some people get it all wrong; so they think they can "do" and "say" all sort of things, so long as the hymen is still there, and there is no penetration, they are sexually pure. But, Nah!

1 Timothy 4:12 - "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Sexual purity has to do with:
-Your speech: Do you say all sort of things that portray sexual immorality, dirty talks and silly sexual songs?  Then you are not sexually pure *straight face*.
In Proverbs 7:13-21, the adultress' speech was just to make the man fall for her.
Therefore, your speech needs to be pure.

-Your conduct: How do you conduct yourself around the opposite sex? Do you seduce? Please pause and think
Proverbs 7

-Your love: Is your love pure?  Is it from a pure heart? Is your heart purged from an evil conscience?
At this juncture, I must say "Love is NOT equal to sex". So do not let anyone deceive you with the "If you love me,  you will sleep with me" phrase. If Love is sex then we as Christians should have sex with everyone since we are "Love beings", but we know God does not have double standards cos He said "Do not commit adultery and fornication" -see also Hebrews 13:5- so therefore, "LOVE IS NOT EQUAL TO SEX".

-Your Faith: what are your beliefs and convictions?  Do you think you can do all the other things like kissing, smooching and still claim to be sexually pure?

-Your purity: Keep your bodies pure, "be Holy as God is Holy" (1 Peter 1:13-16). Remember that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and you do not belong to yourself but to God.  You were bought with the Highest price, so use your body for God's Glory (1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Romans 12:1,2).

And when it comes to keeping yourself pure,  there are no two ways,  the ONLY WAY IS TO FLEE.
Flee from all appearances of evil.
Flee from all workers of impurity.
Flee from all awkward situations.
Just flee!

And if by chance you were violated, remember these:
-It was not your fault, so let go, and Let God.
-God loves you immensely,  and not even the violation can seperate you from his Love.  (Romans 8:39, Isaiah 54:1)
-You are a Victor, not a victim (Romans 8:28, 1Corinthians 15:57).
So bask in the Love of God and in this victory, and for your shame you will have double honor.

Also,  if by chance you have gone the wrong way,  remember Rahab? She was bad for a moment, but not forever. You need to get past your past and stop telling yourself you don't deserve forgiveness,  no one does... It's a free gift with our names on the tag, and there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Humble yourself, Repent and receive the Grace Christ has made available to EMPOWER you to live a Life of Purity

And remember this: Do not let anyone look down on you because you have chosen to be sexually pure. Be an example to unbelievers in your speech,  your conduct, your love,  your faith and your purity. Selah! 



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