I'm sure you are familiar with the story about Moses' encounter with the burning bush at Horeb, the mountain of God (Exodus 3). How that 40 years after Moses fled from Egypt, forsaking Royalty to seek the God of His Fathers, he had an encounter with God.

But before I go on, in case you grew up like I did, I'd like to correct a misconception about Moses, that "he fled from Egypt because he was afraid of Pharaoh". Not so, Hebrews 11:27 says otherwise. Moses had to leave because he knew God had called him to save his brethren, and his method wasn't gonna work. Thus, he went seeking God, which eventually led to this encounter with God in the flame of fire. (Exodus 3:2).

Back to my story about the Rod of God.
Now Moses was a shepherd, keeping his father-in-law's flock i.e Jethro, and like every responsible shepherd, he had a rod, which was just "A DRY STICK". I find it quite interesting that in Exodus 4:2, this was just "A ROD", but at the end of this encounter, this dry stick was called "THE ROD OF GOD". Exodus 4:20.

You see,  God took something ordinary, and made something EXTRAORDINARY out of it.  That which was used to guide a few sheep would later be used by Moses to perform signs and wonders, as he (with God) led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt, through the Wilderness and towards the Promised land. Wow!
What if I told you that God is asking you the same question he asked Moses today: "What is that IN YOUR HAND? "
What skill?  What talent?  What resource?  What business or idea? What degree?  Whatever it is. 

You might be thinking what you have is insignificant, well I don't think so.  Or perhaps you're thinking life is going well with you and with what you have,  and you want to settle. But what if from God's perspective, you're still using that "whatever" to keep  the sheep?
What if you're still a Local champion, whereas God had called you to be a Global Leader?

Remember the boy with the 5loaves and 2 fish?  Can you be like him,  and surrender what you have,  and allow God bless it and use it to bless thousands, or even millions or billions of people, instead of a few friends or families or co-workers you know.
Can you recommit to God this day and seek Him wholeheartedly to first change your heart,  and also bless what you have?

1 John 5:4 says "Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world..." In other words, whatsoever degree, business,  skill, talent,  gift or idea that has God's name on it has been designed to succeed  and overcome the world's .
But mind you,  this doesn't mean you'll commit to God once, and then run off on your own. Nope,  you have to do it God's way, recommitting daily lest you grow cold or drift away. You have to daily lean on God to give you wisdom, to direct and empower you to do whatever He's called you to do.  Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:3.
Remember your ________ has now become "THE ________ OF GOD". (You fill in the gap)

Finally, the journey to fulfilling  God's purpose for your life is not accomplished by your might or by your power,  but by His Spirit. And God doesn't empower you to run your own thing,  but to serve Him and humanity, and that wholeheartedly and faithfully.

God is looking for, and raising sons and daughters in the church who will bear His Image and go out to the world and establish His Kingdom in all sectors (Family, Media and Entertainment,  Sport,  Government, Science and Technology etc).
For it is written "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it."
Isaiah 2:2 , Micah 4:1. Selah!
Let go and let God!
Grace be with you. Amen.


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