I'm sure you are familiar with the story about Moses' encounter with the burning bush at Horeb, the mountain of God (Exodus 3). How that 40 years after Moses fled from Egypt, forsaking Royalty to seek the God of His Fathers, he had an encounter with God. But before I go on, in case you grew up like I did, I'd like to correct a misconception about Moses, that "he fled from Egypt because he was afraid of Pharaoh". Not so, Hebrews 11:27 says otherwise. Moses had to leave because he knew God had called him to save his brethren, and his method wasn't gonna work. Thus, he went seeking God, which eventually led to this encounter with God in the flame of fire. (Exodus 3:2). Back to my story about the Rod of God. Now Moses was a shepherd, keeping his father-in-law's flock i.e Jethro, and like every responsible shepherd, he had a rod, which was just "A DRY STICK". I find it quite interesting that in Exodus 4:2, this was just "A ROD...