
Showing posts from April, 2017


 I'm sure you are familiar with the story about Moses' encounter with the burning bush at Horeb, the mountain of God (Exodus 3). How that 40 years after Moses fled from Egypt, forsaking Royalty to seek the God of His Fathers, he had an encounter with God. But before I go on, in case you grew up like I did, I'd like to correct a misconception about Moses, that "he fled from Egypt because he was afraid of Pharaoh". Not so, Hebrews 11:27 says otherwise. Moses had to leave because he knew God had called him to save his brethren, and his method wasn't gonna work. Thus, he went seeking God, which eventually led to this encounter with God in the flame of fire. (Exodus 3:2). Back to my story about the Rod of God. Now Moses was a shepherd, keeping his father-in-law's flock i.e Jethro, and like every responsible shepherd, he had a rod, which was just "A DRY STICK". I find it quite interesting that in Exodus 4:2, this was just "A ROD...


Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past and the true light now shining – 1 John 2 vs 8. As believers, we are in Christ -New creatures, and old things are gone for good. Yes, we are the children of God, the true light is now shining let us also shine as light. Shining as light not under a bushel, not in your closet; afraid of what they might say, what could happen if I do as I ought to be doing as light. See,  walking as light is an evidence of our relationship and  fellowship with Him, and this should be our DELIGHT. A delight that changes and turn men around, making an encounter with you an encounter with God For example, look at Daniel who was a statesman in Babylon -amidst the idol worshippers and blabbers, ferocious fire, corrupt statesmen and a pit with lions- having trust in God and standing by what he believed, he made the king give Glory to Our God. Look at Naomi, Ruth had an encounter w...

The Aftermath

The Aftermath: From Tax Man to Tribesman. As far as encounters go, the story of Matthew (as well as the other disciples) strikes me as perfect examples for the theme. It tells of how a meeting with our Lord can alter the course of a life... Encounter(n) : is an unexpected or casual meeting with someone. More often than not, events that rock our worlds are the unscheduled detours we tag as "coincidences ". The unplanned have a strong tendency to reshape our plans. It isn't until the ninth chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew that we read of the unexpected meeting between Jesus, and Matthew. Verse 9: As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector's booth... NLT It was certainly a casual, unexpected meeting if you ask me. Matthew started the day ordinary, probably had a thought on how messed up his life was but he quickly dismissed it and went about his regular living. When Jesus walked by Levi that day and spoke:...

Hold on to your Identity, ISRAEL.

 This is an encouragement from the story of a man who got "the blessing of the first born" by being a  trickster,  or from another perspective, as it is written, "according to election" (Romans 9: 11). This is about man who had an encounter with God,  yea two,  and had his name (Character and Authority) changed from Jacob i.e Supplanter, to Israel i.e "prevails with God" or "God prevails". Jacob had 3 major encounters with God. 1-When he fled  from Esau to his Uncle Laban's house and named the place of encounter Bethel (House of God). (Genesis 28:10-22) 2-When he was about to meet with his brother, Esau, and on his way, wrestled with a "Man" who dislocated Jacob's hip and later blessed him and  changed his Name,  thus changing his identity and  mindset, realigning Him to a life of Purpose. He named this place Penuel (Face of God). (Genesis 32:22-32) 3-When God had him return to Bethel to be blessed again, and ...


                        I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12 vs 1-2). Definitely the above verses state the need for a doing both to the mind and body i.e. the inner building and the outward building (service). Before we move on, let’s do some equations; Pleasing means- to satisfy, good, acceptable, delightful… yeah? It is written that "without faith, it is impossible to please God."- Heb 11 vs 6 So we can joyfully say, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God has to be in faith. Which means that whatever we do has to be in faith, through faith (Heb 6 vs 12), of faith (Heb 10 vs 22) and by fai...