The burning bush, we all should know about this story. How Moses came across this bush in Horeb, the Mountain of God, while he was leading the flock to the desert.  Did this bush “not burn” because it was some kind of super-mutant fire-resistant bush? Nah, I don’t think so! It didn’t burn “because God was in the midst of the bush”.
Exodus 3:4 “And Jehovah saw that he had turned aside to see. God called to him out of the midst of the thorn bush, and said, Moses! Moses! And he said, here I am.
                God took something ordinary, and made something “miraculously extra ordinary” out of it… That’s what He wants of us. Of course there must have been other bushes there, but this particular bush stood out; the same way God wants us to stand out from the world, to be the light of the world, a city set on the hill. But this won’t happen until you allow God to fully dwell in you and manifest Himself in and through you. And don’t think you’ve been too bad for God to use/ dwell in you, that’s a lie! If the thief on the cross could make it to heaven, if God could’ve used Rahab (a prostitute) to help the two spies escape.. If Saul (The zealous persecutor of Christ) could become Paul (a Great Apostle), what makes you think God can’t use you?
                Notice Exodus 3:1 says this wonder happened on Mount Horeb, the mountain of God.  This means before you can become like the “burning bush”, you must be on God’s mountain, walking on the path He has set for you. Until you study, keep and follow/ do God’s commandment/ Word, this path won’t be visible to you, because your eyes haven’t been enlightened, and the heart softened and yielding to instruction yet.—But even without the fire, the bush would still have stood out. How? Its color would have been radiant. The more God dwells in us and we spend time in fellowship with Him, the more we become like Him, Glorious.  Like when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai (Exodus 34:29-35).
                The fire, with reference to us that’s the refiner’s fire, its purpose is to purify us, not to consume us. It is significant of the persecutions, trial and hardships we face as children of God which we’re supposed to overcome by His Grace and persevering Faith in God ( trusting Him even in the most unpleasant of circumstances). You can’t become a son of God without passing through the fire; it’ll be like trying to make a “vessel of Honor” out of impure gold.
                Remember when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the midst of a burning furnace (Daniel 3:8-35). That’s what God expects of us when we go through trials, He expects us to hold on to our Faith in Him whatever the circumstances and come out as Victors, showing the world how Faithful and “Mighty to save” our God is. This story tells us that when we are pleasing to God, trials are meant to make us, promote our relationship with God and honor us, not to break, demote or put us to shame (like the devil wants);  but it’s to reveal God’s Glory at the end.
Romans 9:17  “For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you, and that My name might be declared throughout all the earth”."
                The verse above tells what God wants of you. So it’s up to you whether you want to be like the burning bush and become a sign, wonder, a living testimony to the world, like the bush was to Moses, or you just want to be like the other bushes that were just sitting there, dulling themselves, getting no attention…
                “More of you, less of me”, that should be your prayer/ desire, not otherwise.
Grace be with you. Amen! 

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