Sometimes the devil pushes hardest when we’re just about to reach our destination. At times like this, God doesn’t expect us to only receive and believe His truth about the circumstance, but He also wants us to do so “willingly” with undoubting faith and trust in Him.

John 6:21 Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.

At this point, we tend to give up because we think we’ve been pushing hard enough long enough, and we doubt if we’ve got enough strength to keep going. The Spirit might be willing, but the flesh is weak. So I’ll ask, are you of the Spirit or of the flesh? If you’re of the Spirit, then start acting like one and allow God’s “willing Spirit” to dominate the “weak flesh”(which makes you “think” you can’t go any further). The Bible says “You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength”- Philippians 4:13, It also says “they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”- Isaiah 40:31.  

So you just have to keep “believing in God that He’ll renew/ give you strength to make it through. Besides He said He’ll never leave you nor forsake you, so don’t give up on that dream of yours yet. And pray, asking God to open your eyes before you continue your pursuit; because it might be God who’s afflicting you, warning you not to continue because it’s not His Will for you. On the other hand, it might be the devil that’s trying to stop you, persecuting you, so you can give up on your God-given dream, trying to hinder you from becoming who God wants you to become.

Be careful not to live to please men, but respect and honor them, “Humility comes before honor”, the Bible says; and only to the humble does God give His sufficient grace. HE despises the proud. Never try to attach your dreams to any man, if there’s anyone who should do that (if needed) it’s God, not you, not others. He’s the Alpha and the Omega, the All-Knowing God, and the Author and Finisher of your faith.

Your friends? Leave God to pick them and sort them out for you, He never makes a mistake. Saul’s servant exemplifies the kind of friend you need around you. 1Samuel 9:5-8. The kind that’ll keep encouraging, pushing you till you achieve you God-given goals and dreams. Saul must have been very kind-hearted and respectful for him to have had such a friend. Don’t have one? Don’t worry, you’ve got Jesus, He’s The Good Shepherd, and He’ll never lead you astray, or stab you in the back. And when He judges, He does so righteously, with an intention of correcting you, to make you a better person for His Kingdom. And you can Always lean on Him when you’re not strong.

Don’t let some road bumps, or pot holes, disappointments on your road to success discourage you from achieving your dreams or goals. If you meet a gap, fret not, God will surely make a way, even though there seems to be none. If He could do it for the Israelites (who were sometimes rebellious), how much will He do for you if you seek His face?

Don’t let some negative, self-centered, bully, teacher, guardian, sibling, boss, colleague make you feel like a failure or lesser than “who God says you are”. Don’t let them bring you down or discourage you from achieving your goals, or make you feel like a failure. Just because you failed a few number of times doesn’t mean you’re a failure, unless you’re the devil, then you can feel like a “failure”. God “thinks” you’re a Victor, an Overcomer, rather He” says and believes it”. Don’t let disappointments bring you down, and a situation that “seems” bad isn’t a disappointment until you accept it as one. Disappointments only make a slight change to the equation, no matter how plenty they are, IF God is involved on your plans.

Lastly, always put God first in everything you do (if it makes sense o), no matter how insignificant what you’re doing might seem to you, and to others. And always seek God first before making any decision; He’s always ready to listen, even when He “seems” distant.

Grace be with y’all. Amen.


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