THE CURSED FIG TREE. (Mark 11:13-20).

   Many of us know/ should know about the fig tree that was cursed in the Bible (NT). according to the bible, the fig tree was cursed 'cos it had leaves, but no fruits on it. Now some would say what Jesus did wasn't fair, 'cos He knew quite well that it wasn't the season for the fig to bear fruits.  Looking at it from this perspective, I'd agree with them on that. But now, ask yourself why'd you think Jesus cursed the tree, could it have been that his hunger/ anger drove Him to it; I think not. Here's what I think:
   The tree symbolizes us, and just like Jesus was expecting to see some fruits on the tree, He’s expecting us to bear fruits in our lives, not just fruits of the Spirit, but also the fruits of our labor in and with Him. And unlike normal tree that bear fruits only in the season that favors them, Christ expects us to bear fruits in all seasons, be it favorable or not, in 100 folds... God's looking for those who'll diligently seek Him, who'll bear fruits consistently and diligently bear fruits, 'cos only these will He whole-heartedly and fully reward. HE's not looking for part-time fruit bearers, but humble- full time fruit bearers; those who'll keep fighting for God's glory even when it looks like HE's not with them; those who'll keep praying (from a pure heart) even though it looks like HE's not listening or answering; those who'll keep blessing and loving, even though the world's doing otherwise; those who are ever ready to endure hardships as good soldiers of Christ; those who are not ashamed of the gospel, no matter the situation. Yes, it's difficult to do all these, but isn't that why we have 24/7 access to His 'amazing and ever-sufficient' Grace? So what's your excuse?!  To everyone who gets born again, a seed is given, which God expects to be planted for it to bear fruits.  Don’t be like the servant who hid his talent in the ground and couldn’t give his master a good report when He returned.
 Unlike the fig tree which was cursed, Jesus won’t curse one if one doesn’t bear  (enough) fruits, but this will have an adverse effect  on how much one will be rewarded… if one doesn’t backslide.
    According to ”Mark 11:15-17”, Jesus cleansed the Temple. Coincidentally, this happened between the time Jesus cursed the fig tree and the time it died. Oh well, God knows why…  Jesus chased out all who turned the temple to a market place, probably these were part of those who came to worship on Sundays and on every other day service held. –Psalm 29:9 says “… and in His temple doth everyone speak of His Glory” also, Mark 11:17 says” My house shall be called the house of prayer for all nations?”,  that’s what God wants of His temple from us, not to turn it to some market place or any other such thing. He expects us to keep His Temple (not just the church, but our bodies too) Holy and habitable for His Spirit to dwell in.
Grace be with you, Amen!


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