Don't Awaken Love

"Don't awaken Love until it pleases"

Three times was this statement made in the book of Songs of Solomon (SOS 2:7, 3:5, 8:4) and I believe that statement needs to be echoed louder in this generation.
Welcome to my generation where we want a quick fix,  instant noodles,  fast food,  even Fast and the furious- on a lighter note. 

Although the rate of getting somethings done can be accelerated, this doesn't apply to Love. In other words,  Love needs time. Like a butterfly, Love is an organism that metamorphises on its own as the Creator fashioned it to be,  and it develops with Patience
There's been an increase in the rate at which break-ups and divorce cases occur and I strongly believe it's tied to this simple reason, we awaken Love too early.
See you can meet someone who's "God sent" but if you fan up the embers of Love too quickly, you'll end up doubting if the person was really "God sent" or the person was "sent from your village". The relationship will end up like a butterfly forcefully coming out before the final stage and it might not be as beautiful as expected.

Again I say, "don't awaken Love until It (Love) so pleases",  not until you please or your partner pleases.
Love is Divine,  and Divinity Himself ought to be the one to blow the whistle, as He is Lord over the Believer's Life.
You may be thinking,  "so how do I know when He's blown the whistle? "
I can't give an exact answer for that,  but one thing I know for sure is that He won't blow the whistle until you're acquainted with your First Love "Jesus Christ" and you're walking in alignment of your True Identity and the Purpose you were created for.  Selah
Do you know why?
Well,  that's because your partner ought to be one who will "Help" you and walk alongside you in the fulfillment of the Purpose you were created for, just like Adam met Eve. That's God's Perfect Will.

Lemme be blunt with you,  if you're reading this now,  and you're not married yet,  I believe it would be wise for you to seek God's face concerning your partner and that relationship cos in the long run if you two have different inclinations or perspectives or perhaps God called you to do different things (at the core-level) , there'll be major limitations, and that which was supposed to be a stepping stone might end up becoming a stumbling block.
If you have to go your seperate ways, don't get sentimental and try to hold on against God's Will. I'm not saying you should cut off communication. No! Rather set the boundary with the person, just be friends,  because for the believer,  every decision you make in these few years (relatively zero) will determine your Rewards in Heaven and HOW you will spend your eternity.

Love isn't just about holding on, sometimes it's letting go. In God's display of His Love towards us,  he had to forsake and let go of the Son while He was on the Cross for our sake.
If you're already married, and you didn't seek God in the first place,  don't worry,  it's not too late, God can still make a way through the Red Sea, as you walk with your Spouse... There's still Hope.

In closing, there's nothing wrong with being emotional, it's only wrong when you  allow emotions drive you instead of Love. Instead have  "Spirit led He-motions". Haha! That's right, be motioned by the Spirit.
Love is the fruit of the Spirit and the best way to walk in it is by Intimacy with the Holy Spirit Himself. Let Him lead you, reveal and teach you about this sacred and Divine "Character " called Love.

This is the way,  walk in it,  and by God's Grace,  Love will awaken itself,  and your experience will set a standard for others as Christ is Glorified in your relationship.
Happy Valentine's Day,  don't forget to appreciate your First Love Himself, "Jesus", and your spouse. If you don't have one yet,  thank God ahead of time.
The Grace of Our Lord be with your spirits. Amen
God bless you.  :)


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