United in Love

Already, we've learned not to awaken romantic love.  Hold out on the mushiness until God tells you other wise!!

Romans 5:5 tells us that our hearts are filled with God's (perfect )love so if a believer is an eclair, his inner chocolate would be love or if he was a snicker bar, his peanuts would be love.

You get my drift? Or you need some more chocolatey illustrations (don't mind me, Valentine's Day has readjusted my body's cravings)

Now if our hearts are filled with love, it means we are capable of loving everyone! That's amazing beyond words if you ask me.
More than loving everyone, we have a mandate to especially love other Christians.
Despite doctrinal differences and what not, Christians are just different parts of the same body. (Romans 12:5)
We all share the same DNA. Further down Romans 12, we are admonished to love genuinely - "Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them" verse 9 says. Do not live in a state of false adoration, go all out in love!

It's in you to love, only be courageous enough to give expression to this nature.
For a long time, I missed out on loving fellow saints because I didn't want a dent in my tough demeanour. When I came across this passage it changed the way I saw everyone.
Knowing that a person is as much the object of God's love as you are is enough motivation to love them. It's like a solidarity thing.
We have the same daddy therefore I love you.
And not just that, all believers are joined from limb to limb. Literally.
We are conjoined to the same body.

And you may not know,  but the major perquisite for the manifestation of the Fullness of God's Riches and Glory through the church is "Unity in perfect Love" Eph 3:16-20, Col 2:2-3. Well,  Now you know.  :)

A certain handsome Canadian singer says to love yourself. By loving other believers you are doing just so.

It's time we put aside all differences in the body of Christ and be united in Love.
Deliberately, consciously go all out in the love department this week and forever.

Till next time,
Au revoir!

P. S For an address to send me more chocolates, email me at thebigsis17@gmail.com


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