Letter to You

It is the second month of the year on earth, and most people here on earth celebrate LOVE.
Hmm... Just as you celebrate the birth of Jesus on December and that of His death and resurrection in April.
Well, this is February, and don’t wait till the fourteenth day before you express love which is the new and greatest commandment – love one another as I have first loved you. Yes, I loved you when still a sinner.
The love I have for you can’t be removed or changed because I am love and do not change. I love you not because it's February, not because you pleased me, not because he prayed for you, not because you live under the same roof with him, not because of your father or father’s father or your lineage or tribe, but because you are you, my creation.
I still love you no matter the tremendous sin you commit, because you don’t determine how I love you, I just hate the sin. Why not just love me in return with all your heart, strength and soul and see how your life transforms from dead works into good works well pleasing to me.
Love me and love your neighbour irrespective of the month

Your Lover

I am sure you have received a message via letter, emails, SMS, chats… something written down for you to get information about something, wonderfully for us, the scriptures are inspired written-down information from God.

I for sure know that the message of love which is also the gospel like Jesus said -for God so love the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life - is the power to save. Do you know this message?

The Holy Spirit is here to guide you, to love and to comfort you even when loving seems to be tough.
Enjoy, enjoy love, and enjoy Him

Why not just take this opportunity and share, you could write your love letter to someone you seem to dislike and let's see what happens, especially to you


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